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  • Writer's picturemicropapa68

🐉 TinFun, a unique NFT project that combines ancient wisdom and modern technology. Not only a project, but also a feast of oriental culture. 🎎

Tianfang NFT
Tianfang NFT

TinFun is a square with the east Culture-themed NFT projects. Tianfang is excellent at promoting and disseminating oriental culture, with well-designed websites showcasing the theme and goals of the project. It incorporates original musical tracks, adding an aural dimension to the digital art experience. The project is built around a legendary story, providing a rich narrative context for the NFT. TinFun is a Chinese NFT project that has been widely discussed and has become an outstanding domestic product in the NFT market because it attracted a large amount of Ethereum investment in its public sale. Tianfang’s unique combination of creative elements, cultural emphasis, and digital innovation make it an interesting NFT project that blends art, storytelling, and technology in new ways. After the project sale ended, Tianfang achieved significant success, exceeding 25,000 ETH.

AndThe origin of the story line "City driven by water" is inspired by the saying in the Tao Te Ching that "water benefits all things without fighting,

TinFun's official website adopts the horizontal layout of Chinese culture, and the elements of NFT come from myths and legends such as "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "Sou Shen Ji". Three mythical beasts are mentioned: Kunpeng, Taotie and Pixiu.

Kunpeng, also known as Dapeng or Pengniao, is a mythical creature in ancient Chinese legends with great symbolic significance. The image of Kunpeng first appeared in the Taoist classic "Zhuangzi Xiaoyaoyou" Described as a magical creature that can change in water and has the following characteristics:

  1. Changing ability: Kunpeng is described as a species that can exist as a huge fish (Kun) in the sea, and when it jumps out of the water, it will transform into a huge bird (Peng). This change symbolizes the infinite possibilities and possibilities of nature. The power of change.

  2. Huge size: Whether it is a fish or a bird, Kunpeng is described as extremely large, even reaching several thousand miles in length.

  3. Cultural symbol: Kunpeng symbolizes freedom, transcendence and infinite possibilities in culture and philosophy. It represents thinking beyond conventional thinking and the pursuit of ultimate freedom.

  4. Philosophical connotation: In "Zhuangzi", the image of Kunpeng is used to elaborate Zhuangzi's philosophical thoughts, especially about the infinity of nature and the universe and the transcendence of the ego. Kunpeng is not only an important image in Chinese mythology, but also an important figure in Chinese mythology. Important symbols in Chinese philosophy and literature reflect the ancient Chinese's understanding and imagination of nature and the universe.

Kunpeng is also called Dapeng or Pengniao
Kunpeng is also called Dapeng or Pengniao

Taotie (pronounced: tāo tiè) is a ferocious and gluttonous beast in ancient Chinese myths and legends, and is listed as one of the four most ferocious beasts. Taotie has unique symbolic meaning and cultural status in traditional Chinese culture:

  1. Shape description: According to the records of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", Taotie has the shape of a sheep body and a human face, with eyes under the armpits, tiger teeth and human hands. This unique image makes the Taotie an impressive and mysterious creature.

  2. Symbolic meaning: Taotie is often seen as a symbol of gluttony and greed. In ancient times, people often compared people who were greedy for food and even property to gluttons.

  3. Cultural influence: The Taotie not only exists in myths and legends, but its image is also widely used in the decoration of ancient bronzes (such as Ding Yi), which is called the Taotie pattern. These decorations highlight the important position of Taotie in ancient Chinese art and culture.

  4. Dragon association: Some legends believe that Taotie is the fifth son of the dragon, further adding to its mystery in the Chinese mythology system. Taotie is an important part of ancient Chinese mythology and culture. Its unique image and profound symbolic meaning make it an important element in the study of traditional Chinese culture and art.

Pixiu (Pinyin: pí xiū), also known as warding off evil spirits or Tianlu, is an auspicious beast in Chinese legend. It occupies an important position in Chinese culture and Feng Shui and is generally considered to have the following characteristics and symbolic meanings:

  1. A symbol of good fortune: Pixiu is considered an auspicious beast that can turn disaster into good fortune, and is often used in Feng Shui decorations to attract wealth and good luck.

  2. Unique image: Pixiu is usually described as resembling a winged lion, with an image of majesty and strength. Its body structure is special, with features such as a dragon head, a horse body, and lin feet.

  3. Special Abilities: According to legend, Pixiu has a mouth but no anus, and can swallow everything without releasing it. This characteristic symbolizes its ability to absorb and preserve wealth, so it is considered to have the effect of attracting wealth.

  4. Cultural and Religious Significance: In Chinese folklore and Taoism, Pixiu is not only a ferocious and auspicious beast, but also regarded as a sacred being that can ward off evil and avoid evil.

Pixiu has a profound influence in traditional Chinese culture. It is commonly seen in artworks, architectural decorations and Feng Shui practices, and is an integral part of Chinese culture.

Pixiu and Taotie in Heaven
Pixiu and Taotie in Heaven

The total supply of the Tianfang project is 10,000 pieces, which will be on sale on January 7, 2024. TinFun has integrated ChainLink VRF (Verifiable Random Function) technology in its latest lottery initiative. The technology, launched on January 10, is designed to increase fairness and transparency in the lottery process. This technology further establishes TinFun’s commitment to employing cutting-edge solutions in the digital collectibles space.

Looking at the distribution of holders, most of them are owners of 1 NFT, which is comparable to blue-chip NFTs such as Boring Ape, Azuki, Beanz, etc.



boring ape
boring ape

Azuki Beans
Azuki Beans

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